Friday 3 April 2015

Royal Paramours by Dulcie Ashdown

I’ve been reading this book lately, and I can remember reading it many years ago.  It covers the illicit relationships of Britain’s Royals from the medieval era to the time of Edward VIII.
However it misses the later revelations of infidelity from the 1980s onwards.  I’ve greatly enjoyed the stories of Edward VII’s many mistresses, the love affairs of the Stuart Kings and the intense friendships of the Stuart Queens Anne and Mary, both of whom seem to have had close relationships with women as well as with their husbands.
Dulcie Ashdown said, very truly that “normal” conventional respectable married love, is not as interesting as illicit love.  I don’t think that that is always the case but there’s a nugget of truth in it.  We love to read about the loves which should not happen, or about the deceptions and secrets of love outside of marriage, which can result in scandal. We like to see the problems in a love relationship, rather than the boring years of settled married life, which is why love stories usually end at the altar.


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