Sunday, 20 October 2019

Snippet From Rough Music By Nadine Sutton

The band were fond of “winding down” after gigs or a tour by partying, drinking, taking drugs, and crazy antics.  There were a few hotels where they’d been banned, because of behavior like trashing rooms or engaging in fist fights or mock gun battles.   But the “over the top” antics had happened less often.  They always took their music seriously and it was harder to play well, when stoned, as your brain slowed down.  That was enough incentive for them to drink less and to cut down even on the soft drugs... 

They had always enjoyed themselves and there were girls hanging round after each gig, to be bedded.  All the same, Jeff had been one of the quieter ones, and he had tried to keep their “crazy” behavior under control.  He usually stuck to one girl at a time, and mostly, he had picked a groupie or fan and taken her to his room to screw her in private.   So the weekend bender they’d had in Texas as the end of the last tour had been a little out of the ordinary.  They had been invited by a wealthy fan, who had a large house there.  They had spent three days, with a bunch of girls and a few fans, who had been around at the right time to get an invitation, and half the rich guy’s family. 

Brandon was then due to go home to spend a couple of months with Angela.  She had then near to giving birth to their second child, and he had wanted to prove to himself that he wasn’t completely tied down in the boring life of marriage and fatherhood, not just yet.  When he had arrived in Boston and found a very pregnant Angela, and his little girl, waiting for him, he’d felt somewhat ashamed.  It had been fun, the party, at the time, but later on, it seemed a bit crazy.

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