Friday, 18 January 2019

Desiree Clary Napoleon’s first fiancée

Desiree was born Eugenie Bernadine Clary in 1777 to a well to do middle class family in Lyons.  She and Napoleon became engaged…when he was a young army officer.  He was fond of her and wanted a wife with a dowry.  His brother Joseph had married Desiree’s older sister Julie… 
Desiree had been named Eugenie, but it seems that Napoleon suggested the new name to her.  However her father was not so keen on allowing the engagement as the Bonapartes had lost all their money and were struggling to make a living…
They had had to flee Corsica and Napoleon had his way to make in his army career.  M. Clary is reputed to have said that one Bonaparte in the family was enough. 
The young couple were informally engaged, but Napoleon was extremely ambitious.  He was intelligent, ruthless and hardworking and determined to get on.   The Revolution gave opportunities for ambitious middle class men and low ranking impoverished nobles to rise much higher than they would have under the old regime. The new republic was at war, and the young Bonaparte became a general very young. 
However in 1795, he refused a command which he regarded as a demotion, and his career prospects declined. Then he became famous for putting down a Royalist rebellion.  He met Josephine de Beauharnais, a socialite and the mistress of Paul Barras, one of the virtual rulers of France.  He fell madly in love with her.  She was elegant and charming, and while far from rich, she had influential friends.  But Napoleon was fascinated by her sophistication, her charm and become involved in a passionate affair with her.  Her connection with Barras helped him to gain command of the Army of Italy.  He jilted Desiree, who was far simpler and less sophisticated than his new love... and he married Josephine…
But Fate had other plans for Desiree Clary.....

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