Wednesday 21 October 2020

Jill Paton Walsh

 Jill Paton Walsh died a few days ago at the age of 83.  She was a well known novelist, and also wrote several detective stories.  She was chosen by the Sayers estate to write continuations of the Peter Wimsey novels and published four.  The first was a continuation of Sayers unfinished novel Thrones Dominations which is set soon after Peter's marriage to Harriet.  Sayers only wrote a few chapters, and dropped the work and finally left off writing detective fiction to concentrate on plays.  Walsh wrote a reasonably good mystery novel.. and wrote three more.. set during and after World War II. 

She also wrote 4 light detective stories, set in Cambridge with an amateur detective who is a nurse at one of the colleges, Imogen Quy. 

She started to write in her mid 20s, having been a teacher for a time.. When she was at home with her first baby, she began to write fiction. Im sorry to hear of her death....

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