Dorothy moved to France to take up her job with Eric Whelpton.. She enjoyed being with him and liked France. Her French was excellent and she took some classes at the school when Whelpton was occupied elsewhere. However while they were good friends and he flirted with her a little, he did not see her as a romantic partner. She sometimes acted as escort for the pupils who were coming to France or back to London. The work was not demanding and Dorothy began to read detective stories which were becoming increasingly popular. She believed that she could write something of that nature, and make her fortune.. but Whelpton looked down on such light literature.
He was fond of Dorothy and willing to make use of her devotion to him but she knew that he was involved with other women.. and eventually he fell in love with a married lady who was looking for a divorce and wanted to marry her. However, his sophisticated persona was probably an influence in the creation of Lord Peter Wimsey who is similarly cosmopolitan and successful with women.
Whelpton grew bored with his job, and began to plan for a move to Florence. He offered Dorothy a chance to buy into his business and take over, but she did not do so. She finally gave up the job and returned to England.. She decided to live in London and seek employment there but yet again she seemed to have reached a dead end. The job with Whelpton and their friendship seemed to have ended, and she was now looking for work again.
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