Tuesday 18 January 2022

False Colours Part III

 Kit finds that in the small house party, it is difficult to avoid Cressida and to convey the impression  to her that he is Evelyn.  He finds her charming.  She enjoys hearing about travelling.. and Kit is able to talk about journeys that Evelyn made, to visit him abroad.  Cressy's stepmother, Albinia, is pregnant, and almost due to give birth.. so she is a bit concerned that if her relations with Albinia were already difficult, they will be much worse if she produces a son and heir to the title.  But she is not sure if she likes "Evelyn" well enough to marry him.

Cosmo and Ambrose Cliffe, Kits uncle and cousin are unwelcome guests. Cosmo is very tight fisted, unlike his sister Lady Denville and Ambrose is foolish and something of an embarrassment. He has been sent down from Oxford for dealings with women, and he has gotten into debt.  Kit feels a bit sorry for him and tries to teach him to shoot, but finds him tiresome.  Lady Staveley urges her grand daughter to make up her mind about the marriage. 

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