Friday 30 September 2022

A Civil Contract Part 3

 Adam is concerned about his estate; but he tries not to fuss Jenny about it. He has not had any experience of farming but has been reading up on agricultural reform, growing winter crops, draining the Fenland fields which are often flooded, and using different types of fertilizers.  His bailiff is pleased to see him taking an interest in the estate -which his father never did and is pleased that his new lord is concerned for his tenant farmers and labourers.... wanting to build new cottages for them and improve their lot in life. 
Mr Chawleigh says that Adam should leave the estate to his bailiff, but Adam goes to visit Mr Coke of Norfolk who inherited an estate at Holkham in Norfolk some years before and made it very prosperous.  Mr Coke (a real life historical character) is a friend of Adam's grandfather and is willing to give him advice on agricultural methods, and Adam promises to go and stay with him later in the year. 

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