Friday 3 November 2023

Beds and Blue Jeans By Nadine Sutton

A story set in recent years in Nashville Tennessee- the home of country music. It's the story of Sam, a young man, who has a small band that plays in the bars for tips and makes a modest living. He has a lot of women flirting with him and he takes advantage of the fact. But he also has a girlfriend and a baby. Patti is a young woman who has no ambitions, and was drifting along, till she had her baby. Now she is trying to find a new way of life.....Its a story of real life, adjusting to having children and making a living. Sam didn't mean to end up with Patti, but he is trying to be a good father. So can he make a relationship work with her? My other story is Rough Music, which is set in America in the late 1970s. Brandon and Jeff have a band, which does country rock and they are just starting to get out of the bars and to make a good living. But they both try to keep their music real and honest, and not to compromise. However, there are rows and ups and downs, and both men have wives who are stuck at home while they are on the road. Rough Music is available on Amazon

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