Monday 15 January 2024

Little Women Part II

Jo is rather jealous when Laurie tells her that John Brooke, his tutor seems to be falling in love with Meg, and Meg is confused, liking him but feeling too young to marry. Then bad news comes from the South, Mr March is very ill and Mrs March has to leave their home and go to him in hospital. Mr Lawrence sends John Brooke with her, as an escort, and Hannah, the maid is to look after the girls. Mr March recovers a bit, but Beth has been the one who most visited the Hummel family and when she goes to see them one day, she finds that their baby is very ill and the child dies. The doctor tells Mrs Hummel that all the children have scarlet fever and that Beth might well get it too. The girls all feel guilty that none of them visited the Hummels on a regular basis, and now Beth, who is delicate, has been exposed to infection. Meg and Jo have had the fever earlier, so Amy is sent away to Aunt March, to keep her safe. Beth becomes ill and Hannah and her older sisters nurse her. She worsens and Laurie decides to send for Mrs March. Jo realises that Beth may be close to dying. Then he tells her that he has sent for her mother and she will be there soon... Beth survives the crisis, and Mrs March comes home, and looks after her daughter. Beth recovers, and at Christmas, shortly afterwards, Mr March is able to come home. Mr Brooke proposes to Meg who accepts him.

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