Thursday, 28 March 2024

Poldark VI

Elizabeth is unsure if she wants to take the risk of bringing on her labour prematurely, but George is being very unpleasant and she decides to do it. Meanwhile, Demelza goes home to Cornwall after the duel, because she is shocked coming from a working class background, at Ross's upper class code that believes that duelling is a necessary way of defending his wife's honour. Caroline defends Demelza to Ross and reminds him of his wife's different code of morals. When he returns to Cornwall, Elizabeth after a quarrel with George, takes the medicine to bring on her labour. Arthur, Rowella's husband becomes suspicious of her behaviour and finds that she is sleeping with Ossie, and he attacks the clergyman at night. Ossies' horse bolts and he is killed. Morwenna is free of her awful marriage, but when Drake Carne comes to see her, she tells him that she cannot marry him, because she is now repelled by sex. He tells her that he loves her, and he has broken off his engagement to a country girl, becuase he wants to marry her even if they do not have a sex life. Elizabeth goes into labour early, and has a daughter, Ursula. George is now convinced that she has a tendency to have her babies prematurely, and he welcomes his new child.. but the medicine she took causes gangrene. Her circulation is impaired and she is in pain. Dwight Enys is called to see her and he asks if she took any drugs before giving birth but she is so ill, he can't do anything for her. She dies soon after having the baby. George tells Ross that the 2 of them have brought her to a painful horrible death, by their jealousy.

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