Tuesday 21 June 2016

Marital breakdown, A snippet from Rough Music

"He yawned and got up from the couch. It was easier to go on pretending, and just stay away a lot, without facing the fact that they were so far apart. He knew that almost everything he did irritated the woman. She hated his visits to his family. She hated his sloppy home habits and his being away. He liked to live in jeans and shirts, she liked to dress up. He wanted to stay home, and eat while watching TV. She wanted to go out or eat formally. He found socialising exhausting, as he was meeting people all the time and he needed a break when he came home. If he’d found Lacy more congenial, he’d have been happy to stay home with her, on his down time. Even as things were, he preferred to stay in, watch TV, slob around the house. Lacy complained and tried to get him to have dinner with her friends…"

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