Sunday, 10 July 2016

Sam... taster from Beds and Blue jeans (Available on Amazon)

He found himself mentally re-running the fight he and Pattie had had that afternoon when he left the house to go to work. He had just wanted something to eat and a clean shirt to take with him, so that he could change before he went home. That didn’t seem a lot to ask. He got no food and a few abusive words.
In a temper, he had walked out early. He had gone over to Reed’s house where he bummed a meal off the drummer and his wife. He had managed to find a clean T shirt, to take with him, so he had something fresh to change into.
Sam gave another heavy sigh, as he sat holding the beer, letting his hands chill. It was a hell of a bad situation. He didn’t expect his girl to wait on him hand and foot; if Pattie had had a job, even a part time one, he would have expected less. But she didn’t have a job and did so little around the house; it wasn’t as if she was exhausting herself with cooking and cleaning. Was it asking too much that he got a cooked meal and clean clothes without his having to complain and argue?
Reed and Kelly lived quite close by. Their house was small too, but they were more solvent, because Kelly had a job. So far, they had not had any kids. But he knew that if he went there for a meal, Kelly would soon be yelling at her husband over “Sam’s selfish ways."
Available on Amazon

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