Tuesday 20 December 2016

the Games they play, Benedict Brooke

Larry O’Flynn drank a bottle of gin
Every night after work when he got in
Empties stacked in the yard while they marked his card
At the one or two places where he wasn’t barred
The photo of his wife still sits on the TV
Though she ain’t passed this way since 1983
He used to take her dancing and a little romancing
Down the Dewdrop Inn -Saturday night
Now he sits in his shorts, tuned to cable TV sports
Watching re runs of last weeks’ fight.

Was it worth the leaving, was it easier to stay
Things’ll be different, starting today
Are you thinking of me, when I’m thinking of you
Are you missing me, am I missing you too?
Who can say?
I guess it’s strange, the games unmarried people play

Eileen O’Flynn don’t know where to begin
Her only recent date looked like Ho Chi Min
Talked about nothing but his Eivlis collection…
Didn’t have a jump suit, but he had an erection
Asking him to leave, well it seemed just too much fuss
It’s the choice between desperation - or a lonely lush
Now she’s tired in the morning and she’s got the coital blues
Waiting on tables and shuffling those soft shoes.


Larry bumped into Eileen at the Seven- Eleven
Arranged to take her for a bite, Tuesday night at 7
And a few days later, Larry’s cleaning up the yard
Sobered up cold turkey, though it was pretty hard
And Eileen’s leafing through an old wedding catalog
Talking about kids, or maybe they’ll get a dog
And helpful friends are saying things like “You must be insane”
“She’s cheap” – “He’s a creep” – “Don’t go through that again”

But we ain’t for turning; we’re going all the way
Things’ll be different, starting today
You’re thinking of me, when I’m thinking of you
And you’re kissing me, and I’m kissing you too
What can you say?
I guess it’s kind of strange, the games unmarried people play

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