Tuesday 28 May 2019

Winston Churchill Part III

His “ratting” did not endear him to many of his Tory friends and family..   He stood as a Liberal for a seat in Manchester and won…
Iin 1906, after a long period of Tory rule, the Liberals got into government again, under Henry Campbell Bannerman.  Churchill was now good friends with David Lloyd George…
Winston was also engaged in writing a biography of his father, (who had died of syphilis in 1895) which was popular and well received.  He became under Secretary for the Colonies, under Lord Elgin.  He was a hardworking and energetic political though he also enjoyed life and travelled a good deal in Europe and then in Africa. He gambled and played Polo and spent time big game hunting during his African trip.
When Henry Asquith became Prime minister in 1908 Churchill became President of the Board of Trade and he worked hard to improve labour relations and to protect workers.  Although he was disliked by many for his overt ambition, and wilfulness, he had a genuine sympathy for the underdog and took his reform work seriously...
In 1909 he married socialite Clementine Hozier, who was like him sympathetic to Liberal causes.  She supported Votes for women.. and he didn't but both of them had genuine sympathy for working people.  Clemmie gave birth to their first daughter Diana, a year later. His marriage had its ups and downs, but it was a love match and lasted all Winston’s life.  He never seems to have been interested in any other woman. 

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