Friday 4 November 2022

Sayers and Five Red Herrings

 I've been writing short blogs on Sayers' detective stories lately.  One that I havent done is Five Red Herrings. I like the book, but it is not nearly my favorite as it is mainly a plot driven novel, without much development of characters.  It is set in Scotland, in a village where a lot of artists live and paint and Sayers often took holidays there with her husband, Mac Fleming who was Scottish and an amateur painter. So she knew the area and the lives of artists up there, pretty well. 

She said that she wanted to try her hand at a novel which was all plot, rather than the more discursive works she had done before.  The novel has a lot about railways timetables and alibis and rather lacks human interest. The novel is about an artist who is notoriously quarrelsome and bad tempered and it emerges that it was an accidental death.  Wimsey investigates it, because he is holidaying there with Bunter.  

I will write  a bit more about Sayers' other novels and possibly her religious dramas. 

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