Friday 11 November 2022

Sayers' letters Part I

 Dorothy Sayers was a novelist, playwright and poet, who was also very musical. From an early age, she was keen on writing and like most middle class people of her day, she kept in touch with friends and family by writing letters. 

As a girl, she was sent away to school and wrote to friends and her parents on a regular basis.  Her letters were lively, full of news about the activities she enjoyed, the teachers and other girls.  She was very keen on acting and loved going to the theatre and taking part in school plays and a lot of her letters home are about getting costumes.  At home she and her family acted out scenes from the Three Musketeers which was one of her favourite novels... 

She wasnt all that keen on games, but enjoyed her work, and was an excellent student.  A few times during her schooldays, she had serious illnesses, and she ended up having to leave before the end of her last year and to be tutored at home by letter. 

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