Thursday 29 December 2022

Unknown Ajax Part I

This is one of the novels that Its taken me some time to warm up to. It is a very good work, more of an adventure story than a love story, but well written and funny. It starts in a manor house in Kent, where the Darracotts live. Old Lord Darracott is one of Heyer's tyrants, who is arrogant and selfish and quarrels with his family all the time. He is not friendly with any of his neighbours, and cares for nobody very much. His widowed daughter in law, Elvira keeps house for him and he despises her and she lives on a small jointure, with her son Richmond and daughter Anthea. Anthea is a pretty girl and much cleverer than her mother. Richmond is a rather spoilt boy, who loves all sports but because he was a rather delicate child, is coddled by his mother and grandfather. Lord Darracott is fond of him, and keeps him at home - refusing to let him consider the army which he wants to enter. Anthea loves her brother but considers him spoiled and fears that Lord Darracott's selfish affection will ruin him. The eldest son of the family, Granville, died a few months earlier in a boating accident, together with his only son. So the family believe that the title will go to Matthew, the third son who is a politican and does not live in Darracott place. Mrs Darracott is the widow of the 4th son. However, they are amazed when they learn that there is another heir... Hugh, the second son, was a soldier who was killed in action many years earlier. Now they find that he had been married, and fathered a son, who is now the heir. Lord Darracott was enraged by the marriage, because he married a poor girl, a weaver's daughter, and he disowned his son and never mentioned the marriage or the existence of the younger Hugh. Now Lord Darracott says that he has invited his grandson to stay, as he is the heir, and that he hopes he can make him into a suitable successor. Anthea is none too happy, as she can see that she and her mother will be forced to help this young man to fit in to society. They learn that he's a soldier, amazingly, he is an officer in spite of his humble background. Lord Darracott also invites his son, Matthew, Matthew's wife, Lady Aurelia, and their 2 sons, Vincent and Claud.

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