Friday 30 December 2022

Unknown Ajax Part IV

Hugo fears that the Darracotts' attitude to smuggling may result in problems, as he can see that the young Riding officer is very keen on his job and determined to stamp out the practice and he's not worried about the fact that the Darracotts are upper class. Anthea tells him that her family dont have anything to do with the trade but if they found brandy in one of their barns they would turn a blind eye. She and Hugo are getting on better, and Hugo gets on well with Lady Aurelia, Matthew's bossy but intelligent wife, and spends time with her 2 sons. Vincent does not like him, but Claud has been told to help Hugo with fitting into society, and he enjoys the task. Hugo is concerned about Richmond, and feels that its not natural for a boy of 18 to lead such restricted life, having to placate his grandfather all the time. He feels the boy is secretive and that he's up to some mischief. Hugo is increasingly drawn towards Anthea and tells her he is in love with her.. she reminds him of his engagement and he admits that it was an invention on his part, because he felt worried that he was being pressured into marriage at their grandfather's order. Meanwhile, Claud begins a flirtation with a village girl, whose family are inclined to radical views. Anthea is increasingly attracted by Hugo, realising that he's a very decent and kindly person, but then the family receive startling news. His grandfather, Mr Bray was not a weaver but a former weaver who got on well and made a fortune, inventing machinery, and who ended up a mill owner. Lord Darracott is furious, but Hugo tells him that he himself acted like a plain simple Yorkshire man, because he was annoyed at how the family seemed to expect him to be an illiterate rustic. He went to Harrow and while he did still have soemthing of a Yorkshire accent, he was reared as a rich man's son. Anthea is very upset by the news, as she fears that people will say she is marrying Hugo because he is very wealthy, but he tries to reassure her.

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