Sunday, 12 February 2023

Rich Are Different Part V

Steven is married with 2 sons, and like Paul is not a faithful husband. He is a bon vivant who likes to party and drink and play sports. When he has to go to London, in 1929 3 years after Paul's death, he thinks about Dinah and wonders if she might be up for an affair with him. He looks forward to going to London, as he and Cornelius are not getting on and the younger man is richer and more powerful than he is. Cornelius has essentially blackmailed him into having a leading role in the bank when he is very young, by reminding him that he knows of Steve's covering up the murder of O'Reilly... and the behaviour of Charley Blair. He tells Steve that if he's forced to go to the police about this issue, he will claim that he was not part of the covering up and that he was a scared kid who didn't know what to do when he found out about it. Steve plans on being in London alone while Caroline, his wife, stays in New York with the children but she wll follow on later. Caroline does not like England and doesn't really want to go with him. Steve calls Dinah soon after his arrival, and they embark on an affair, as he hoped. He is touched by Alan, Paul's son, and gets interested in Dinah's cosmetics business which is doing very well. Dinah asks Steve if she should approach Cornelius now, to buy back Mallingham and Steve warily tells her that Cornelius is a far tougher customer than he had originally thuoght. He tells her that the deeds to the house seem to have been lost, and the odds are that with all his property, Cornelius will never find out that he is the legal owner of Mallingham and in due course, Dinah can leave it to her heirs. Dinah then tells him she's pregnant, and Steve tells her that he does not want her to have his child outside marriage, like Alan.. and that he will go home and talk to Caroline and get a divorce. Dinah realises that she made a mistake in having Alan out of wedlock and she's fond enough of Steve to think that marriage with him might be a happy one. But she is aware that she underestimated Sylvia's hold on Paul... Steve plans to go back to the US to see his wife, and ask for a divorce, but Caroline wires to say she is ill, and he plans to go back but feels that he can't look for a divorce if she's ill. Caroline recovers but before Steve can go home, he and Dinah have a bitter row. The Wall St Crash happens and his twin brothers are caught in a financial scandal. Dinah tells him not to get drawn into the problems of the bank in New York, and to let his brothers sort out their own mess. They both get angry and she says that she loved him and wanted him to be her husband but he has always been a clumsy insensitive man with women. Angrily he retorts that Paul only had women to prove he wasn't gay. Steve angrily breaks up with her and returns to America, where the bank is in a mess, and the Crash has a terrible effect on the economy. He finds that his wife has just died, and he urgently goes to take care of his boys. Cornelius has not lost any of his fortune because he was rich enough to settle for conservative investments. Cornelius' sister Emily is a clever girl who is a few years his senior and she offers to help out with Steve's boys when his wife dies.

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