Tuesday 7 February 2023

Scandalous Risks Part IV

Venetia becomes increasingly uneasy and tells Lyle that she has a new boyfriend in London, but that she has a friend, Dinkie, an American girl, who has become invovled with a married man. She also encourages Edward Hoffenberg to go out with her as a further cover. Working with Charles Ashworth, she finds herself confused as Neville is a liberal minded Protestant and she has accepted his point of view about the rightness of their relationship, but she knows that someone like Charles would have a very different viewpoint. Occasionally she meets Dido at social events, and from her, learns that Neville used to be friends with Jon Darrow who is now an elderly widower who lives in Starbridge and gives spiritual advice. She knows Nick Darrow, Jons son by his second marriage, and she also knows of Martin Darrow, the actor, Nick's much older half brother. She decides to try and meet Jon, and succeeds in catching him at the local theatre. She goes to Jon's little cottage where he lives like a reclusive monk and tells him about her relationship with Neville... He tells her that the affair cannot continue, it will destroy both of them. Venetia doesn't quite believe him, but his intensity frightens her.

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