Monday 24 April 2023

Heart Breaker Part III

Gavin and Susanne make love then he tells Susanne that he is going to get out of the life once she has transferred the money for him, and that he will take her with him to the church where they will be safe from Elizabeth and Asherton. He goes home to his flat in Elizabeth's house, but the next day, when he tries to go through his normal routine, he breaks down. Susanne rescues him and tells him to pack his things and get out. But when he gets home he realises that Elizabeth has found brochures from the Healing Centre appeal and that she's planned to be out that night to lure him back to the house. But he has found in her safe a tape of horrific value, a snuff movie made by Asherton and he is determined to get it to the police. He is about to sneak out when he finds that the door to the downstairs flat is opening and he has no way of getting out as the flat is very securely locked. Asherton appears with some bully boys and Gavin gets in a fight with him. Asherton stabs him but he manages to escape and tries to drive away, but he is only able to get to the houses of Parliament. He calls Carta and tells her he's been injured and that he has to admit to her that his Elizabeth is indeed the Elizabeth Mayfield who damaged her husband. Carta calls an ambulance and finds Susanne, and Gavin is taken to hospital. He survives the stabbing and is able to talk to the police and to Carta and Nick.

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