Saturday, 15 April 2023

Wonder Worker Part II

Rosalind, NIcholas' wife tries to tell him she wants a divorce but he pressurises her and even uses hypnosis on her to push her to stay in the marriage. Rosalind gives in but acts even more wildly, and in the end, Nicholas while feeling very guilty, reaises that he and Ros have never had much in common and that the marriage is over. Stacy, who has had doubts about his sexual orientation, ends up in a dreadful tangle and commits suicide. Alice realises that she idealised Nick too much but she still loves him. She can see that he has made dreadful mistakes in his marriage but she loves him and wants to marry him provided he can get his act together as regards his obligations to his former wife and his sons. The next novel moves from a lot of analysis of the Healing Centre staff to more of an adventure story. It is set 2 years later and Nicholas is in the throes of getting a divorce. Alice works as a freelance chef and gets a job doing a dinner for a successful corporate lawyer in the City. The Lawyer, Carter (Catriona) Graham is recently married to a German born man who is also a successful lawyer in a city firm. She then finds that her husband's first marriage broke up because he was, as his ex puts it, dabbling in the occult. Carter refuses to believe in this at first because she is militantly against religion and thinks that talk about the occult is nonsense. However, she meets Mrs Mayfield, who runs sex and occult groups, who cured Kim, Carter's husband of sexual problems and she realises that he has been lying to her in a big way. He had an affair with Mrs Mayfield, and used lots of women in the sex groups. She begins to understand that she knows very little about religion and that she has made a very bad choice of a husband. She goes to visit Sophie, Kim's ex wife to try and talk to her and find Sophie dead. It turns out to be an accident, she had a fall, but it frightends Carter and drives her to seek help from the Healing centre's staff. Kim has a breakdown, and ends up in hospital and when he comes out, he confesses to Carter that he used to have homosexual flings, and that one of the men he slept with blackmailed him, so he killed him.

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