Monday 1 May 2023

Glittering Images Part III

Charles has come to realise that because of his father's being a dull man and very strict, he has an attraction towards older men who are more amusing and charming, and he soon grows fond of Alan Romaine. He knows though that Eric has been his father all his life and that in spite of his limitations, he has done his best as a father. Charles can see that Jardine has gotten himself into a moral mess and that Lyle is suffering for it, and he is in love with Lyle. He and Jon discuss the matter and Lyle admits that she deliberately became pregnant to get out of the whole tangle but that she does care for Charles. He tells her that he loves her but he knows it will be difficult to make a marriage in the circumstances, where he has to take on someone else's child...but he wants to do it. He sees Jardine who admits he was in the wrong, and says that he will resign his bishopric on the excuse of ill health and that perhaps living a quiet country life, he and Carrie will get on better. However he is upset to hear about the baby but Charles feels that it would be wrong to allow him to go on seeing Lyle and the child at least till their marriage has had time to settle in. Jardine is upset by this but has no choice but to accept it. Charles feels shaken by all that has happened. He loves Lyle but is not sure how much she loves him. He has gained a new father figure, but has also found that he himself is now going to be a father to a child who is the offspring of another man. But he has Jon's advice and support so he hopes that he will be able to cope with it all.

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