Saturday 27 May 2023

Royal Names

Charles is the third king of that name in the UK, but the name Charles is very popular among royals in Europe. The King of Sweden is Carl Gustav. The Former king of Romania was King Carol II... and Juan Carlos was the former king of Spain. The name means Man and has been well known in the UK for centuries. Several kings of France were also called Charles. Charles I and Charles II in the Uk were rather unsuccessful so the name was not used for a long time. Another Stuart name was James which was popular for Kings of Scotland. James I of England was the son of Mary queen of Scots.. and his grandson was James II who was forced into exile. The Stuarts were not popular in England wth the English, due to their absolutist tendencies. So the name James was not used again for a royal until Prince Edwards son in the 2000s. The name comes from the Hebrew Jacob, which means supplanter and is a bible name... Another Stuart name was Henry, which was not used for a long time until George V's son was christened Henry. Henry means home ruler and was also the name of Stuart and Plantagenet kings.

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