Thursday 29 June 2023

Persuasion IV

Although she is a little flattered by the admiration of William Elliot and Benwick, she still loves Wentworth. She also meets an old schoolfriend in Bath, Mrs Smith who is an invalid and confined to bed, much of the time. Sir Walter dislikes her friendship with the lady, but he himself has become engaged in a flirtation with Mrs Clay, a widow of modest means, who has become a hanger on of Elizabeth's. Anne though much less snobbish than her sister,is uneasy about the relationship as she thinks that Mrs Clay is flirting with Sir Walter to lure him into marriage and that she has fawned on Elizabeth for the same mercenary reasons. Anne goes to Lyme Regis with the Musgrove family, and with Wentworth, for a visit and Louisa flirts with Wentworth, getting him to help her to jump across stiles and stones. She jumps from a wall by the sea front and falls hurting her head. Wentworth is shaken and does not know what to do and the Musgroves are not much help. Anne takes charge and has Louisa carried to the Harvilles' house nearby, where he lives wiht his family and his late sister's fiance. Wentworth is impressed by how well Anne manages the care of Louisa.

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