Friday 23 June 2023

Sense and Sensibility Part VI

As Marianne recovers, she accepts that Willoughby never loved her in a true sense and that he behaved very badly. Then Elinor hears from one of their servants that he met Mrs Ferrar that morning, that she and Edward had just been married. Elinor is very upset that he is now married but before long, Edward himself arrives at Barton Cottage and explains to her that it was not he who has just married Lucy, it is his brother Robert. Old Mrs Ferrars made over an estate to Robert, when Edward refused to desert Lucy, and now Lucy has managed to inveigle him into a proposal. Robert is not very likable, like his mother and sister.... but his marriage sets Edward free. He then asks Elinor to marry him and she agrees once they have enough to live on. Marianne having lost Willoughby can now see the good side of Col Brandon, and after Elinor and Edward get married, she accepts him and becomes his wife. Robert and Lucy have a bit of a cat and dog marriage but get on all right.

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