Friday 21 July 2023

Mansfield Park II

Fanny reaches the age of 18, and by then Tom has gotten into debt and Sir Thomas has had to sell the living which was being kept for Edmund, and a new family move into the Parsonage. Mr Grant is rather lazy and fat, but his wife is a pleasant woman. She has a younger half brother and half sister Henry and Mary Crawford, who come to visit, and the Bertrams are pleased to have some new members of their social circle. Maria, who is the elder sister has found a suitor, James Rushworth, who is very well to do but very stupid. Henry Crawford is not handsome but he is witty and amusing and before long both Julia and Maria are interested in him, in spite of Maria's being engaged to Rushworth. Fanny still does not really feel part of the family. She is fond of Lady Bertram who is kind though lazy, and she loves Edmund, but she is not sure how to react to the Crawfords who seem lively but at times a little improper in their behaviour. She is dismayed that Edmund seems to have become attracted to Mary, and he is dismayed to learn that Mary does not think that the clerical profession is worthwhile, and she has started to nag at him to give up the idea of being ordained and go into some other job.

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