Saturday 22 July 2023

Mansfield Park III

Fanny begins to have a bit more of a social life, since the arrival of the Crawfords, but she is not happy. SHe is hurt by Edmund's being infatuated with Mary, and she fears that he is less ultra moral than he used to be.... Then Sir Thomas decides to go to Antigua where they own a plantation, to see into things there, and this leaves his family feeling more free to amuse themselves. They decide to put on a play, even though they know that Sir Thomas would not like them to be acting, especially the daughters. Edmund is against the idea but he is over ridden by his siblings and Mary wants to act so she persuades him to take part. Fanny feels left out but feels it is not proper to take part in a play when Sir Thomas would have been so much against it, but she then finds that the family put her under pressure to join in, when Mrs Grant who was playing a small part, has to drop out. Fanny feels obliged to please her cousins by joining in, when even Edmund wants her to help out, even though she feels it is wrong. She is actaully quite interested in the acting but still sticks to her belief that Sir Thomas would be strongly against it. THen, suddenly, Sir Thomas appears, having managed to get home earlier than expected due to good weather. He is not pleased to find his household all acting, but he is glad to be home so he is less strict than usual and forgives them all and tells them he is happy to see his family once again.

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