Tuesday 15 August 2023

Devils Cub

Devils Cub is another of Heyer's early novels and is a sequel to These Old Shades. Its set in the 18th century and the hero, Dominic, is the son of Justin, Duke of Avon. I've never been a great fan of Dominic, who is rather contemptous of women, but the novel is entertaining enough. The novel is set some 20 years after Justin's marriage, and his only son is now 24. He is a rake like his father, and spends most of his time wenching and gambling. Leonie adores her son but worries that he is even more selfish and wild in his behaviour than Justin was before he reformed and she feels that he has something of the violent temper of his grandfather, her father the Comte de St Vire. SInce the previous book, Edward Lady Fanny's husband has died, and left her a widow. She is still frivolous, but she does grieve over his death. Now, Fanny has 2 children, John who is a dull, conservative young man and Juliana,who is about 19 and silly and frivolous like her mother. Fanny is none too pleased when Juliana falls in love with the son of a country squire, who is not particularly rich or fashionable. She has half hoped that Juliana may manage to marry her cousin Dominic.

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