Sunday 13 August 2023

Regency Buck IV

Worth and Taverner fight and Worth knocks himd down... and Judith realises that her guardian has been trying to help her all the time..... Taverner slinks off, his cover blown and she turns to Worth for comfort. He tells her that he has been keeping a watch on Perry for some time, and that the poisoned snuff was a gift from Taverner. He himself drugged Perry's wine when he came to the house, he then put him safely on his yacht, till he could flush Taverner into the open... She learns then that old Admiral Taverner while a tiresome old man, was not involved in the murder and marriage plots, and he's ashamed of his son. Perry comes back ashore and is delighted by his trip to sea- he wants to buy a yacht for himself. Judith is feeling very depressed, because she realises that she cares for Worth, and that her wilful ways may have made him take a dislike to her. She is almost 21 now and wont be his ward any longer. Perry will be getting married soon and she feel upset that she will be alone. After her birthday, she receives a visit from Worth to hand over legal papers, and he slips a ring on her finger. He reminds her that while she was his ward, it would have been inappropriate for him to pay court to her, but he has always cared for her. They become engaged.

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