Tuesday 19 December 2023

Shane McGowan Died 2023.

Shane died a few weeks ago. He was born in the late 1950s, in England to Irish parents, but spent some of his childhood visiting relatives in Ireland. He had a talent for writing and got into a public school in London but was expelled. He became addicted to drugs and alcohol, and began to write music, and to become a figure on the London punk scene. He and his band, the Pogues, had a lot of success in the 1980s, having invented music which was a mixture of punk and Irish folk music. However his drug problems and generally wild behaviour, began to damage his health and he was fired by the band. He continued to perform and write but his health was increasingly poor. He married but never had children. He had a great admiration for the Irish writer Brendan Behan and also for James Clarence Mangan.

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