Thursday 30 May 2024

Beatrix Potter (1866-1943) I

Beatrix Potter was an author of children's books, who created numerous characters who are loved by children. She also illustrated her works, and designed merchandise for sale. She was born to a Unitarian couple who came from Manchester. The Unitarians were more radical in their beliefs than most Christian denominations and it was the religion of Elizabeth Gaskell. Mrs Gaskell's husband William was a family friend to the Potters. She was born in London, and her family was wealthy. Her father had had a good education and had become a lawyer. He also invested in the stock market which made him very rich. However Beatrix's mother was demanding and rather difficult... and she isolated her children because she feared them catching germs. Beatrix was educated by governesses, and early she acquired an interest in the natural science. She kept many animals as pets and observed their characteristic and habits. On summer holidays in Scotland she carefully learned about plants and the natural world. Being a girl, she had no chance to go to university, but writing and drawing were considered suitable female skills. She began to write for children, creating Peter Rabbit and other animal characters. her books were very successful and she began to make money, and she developed a friendship wtih Norman Warne, the son of her publisher. He worked with her on some of her books and they fell in love. Beatrix found that her parents were hostile to him as a suitor, because they regarded him as being in trade. After a while they agreed to a private engagement, but Beatrix feared that she would never get away from being obliged to help and look after her parents. THen suddenly Norman died of pernicious anaemia at the age of 37. Beatrix was devastated, but she did keep on with her work.

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