Thursday 2 May 2024

Wheel of Fortune Part V

Kester does return to Gower, as Harry feared, and moves into a cottage near the coast. He tells Harry that he wants Oxmoon back, that he was forced to give it up and he will go to the family and tell them how he was compelled. Harry has now sold his estate, Penhale Manor, and has sunk the capital into Oxmoon. He did not inherit the lands in England which were brought into the family by his mother, Blanche and apart from Oxmoon he is comparatively poor. Kester has inherited some of his grandfather's private fortune, which leaves him comfortably off but to him the estate of Oxmoon is a vital part of his identity. Harry has been getting on badly with his eldest son Hal, now around 12, because the boy loves Kester and sees him as more of a father figure than Harry could be. Soon after Kester's return however he is dead.. and it takes some years before the mystery is solved. The final part of the novel is set in the 1960s, some years after Kester's death. It is narrated by Harry's son Hal, who has dropped out to become a singer... He returns to Gower where his father now lives as a recluse, and says he wants to find out what happened to Kester.

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