Wednesday 15 February 2017

Blogs and romance

Due to family and health problems I am not writing or blogging much right now.  But I have a new story which I hope to publish fairly soon. Like my recent story “Bed and Blue Jeans” (see below) this is not a romance, but a “realistic” story.  It is set in the late 1970s in America, about a band, which is trying to get from small time to big time.  The lead singer is married, and his marriage breaks up.  His friend also has a somewhat rocky relationship.   They both love music and try to keep their music genuine and honest, while still hoping to make a comfortable living.  They are not the best husbands in the world, but they try.  Life isn’t romantic or easy or “hearts and flowers” and while I enjoy reading and writing romance, I also like to try something a bit more about real life.
I’ll be posting some more about the story soon, but for now, I am hoping that some people will like my last story, “Beds and Blue Jeans”.

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