Wednesday 16 June 2021

Lindsey Davies

 Lindsey Davies was born in Birmingham in 1949 and is  a writer of historical detective stories.  Like Rosemary Rowe, her novels are set in the days of the Roman Empire.  However her first series of novels - the detective being a former soldier  Marcus Didius Falco, are set in Rome, though she has also set a new series in Britain. 

Marcus is not from a well to do family, but he has a ladyfriend, Helena, who is from a rich background.  He undertakes jobs finding out things, and gets involved with murders.  

Davies went to Oxford and did a degree in literature.  She then worked in the British civil service for many years but wrote historical novels in her spare time.  When she began to have some success with her writing she left the Civil service and became a full time writer. 

I hope to write some blogs on some of her novels......

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