Sunday, 27 June 2021

Rebecca Part X

 Mrs De Winter is more relieved than shocked when she learns of what happened with Maxim and Rebecca.  She is happy that he loves her and that he never loved his first wife, that all her misery and jealousy of her rival were not needed.  But Maxim did kill Rebecca so he’s afraid that they will lose their chance of happiness, if it comes out.  

He reminds her there will have to be an inquest.  She says that he must say that when he identified the other woman as Rebecca he was ill and didn’t know what he was doing.  The couple brace themselves for facing an inquiry into Rebecca’s death.

But Mrs De Winter feels much stronger now and is finally able to tell Mrs Danvers that she is the mistress of the house and that she wants to do things her own way, and is not afraid of the housekeeper any more.

But the inquest does not go well.  The boat builder who looked after Rebecca’s boat tells that he had checked it over and that it was sound but it had holes in it, when recovered that were deliberately driven into the boat.  He believes that it was tampered with and that the sinking was not an accident.  The inquest decides that Rebecca must have tampered with the boat herself,  and caused her own death so the verdict is given as suicide. 

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