Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Rebecca XIII

 The doctor consults his notes and says that he can think of a reason why this woman he saw might have committed suicide.. She was seriously ill.  He said that she came to him, thinking that she was pregnant.. but that when he did some tests he found that she had uterine cancer and that she would not recover.  He could see that she was a tough woman who could stand the news so he told her.  She paid his fee and left.. 

Maxim realises now that Rebecca provoked him to kill her, to spare herself a longer illness, by telling him she was going to foist another man's baby on him.  Col Julyan is relieved, that the doctor has told them there was a good reason why Rebecca might have drowned herself...   He warns Favell that this disposes of all his attempts at blackmail, it was a suicide by Rebecca and nothing more.   When Favell has gone, Julyan advises the De Winters that he'll do his best to dispel any rumours that there was anything mysterious about Rebecca's death but suggests that it might be a good idea for them to take a trip abroad for a time, til any possible gossip dies down.. 

They decide to go back to Manderley, exhausted but relieved....

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