Wednesday 24 April 2024


This was Susan Howatch's second saga novel. It was based on the history of the Plantagenet kings, Edward I, Edward II and Edward III. Howatch lived in Ireland for some years and set her novel in Ireland after the Famine -. Edward De Salis is an older man who is a landlord... He owns land in England but also has an estate in Ireland. He tries to help his Irish tenants, in the aftermath of the Famine. He lost his wife, Eleanor, who had given him several daughters and a son, Patrick. Edward marries again at an elderly age, to a young American cousin, Marguerite. She and he have 3 more children...but Edward's son Patrick, who is his heir, is weak and rather foolish and he wonders if the boy will ever be able to manage his estates and fulfil his social duties. Edward dies, and Patrick (Edward II) inherits.. He marries a neice of Marguerites from America. Sarah is also rather extravagant and foolish, and before long, their marriage begins to go wrong. Patrick is basically homosexual and he finds it hard to be a husband to Sarah...although they do have 4 children. However Patrick ends up losing his English estate and the couple have to live in Cashelmara, where Patrick starts a close relationship with Hugh McGowan, his bailiff's son. Sarah is unhappy and angry that Patrick neglects her and has lost a lot of their fortune, and she turns to one of the tenant farmers, Maxwell Drummond, a young Irishman who is married with a family. She runs away back to America, with Maxwell, and seeks refuge with her brother, a wealthy WASP stockbroker. However he disapproves of her affair with Drummond, and she goes to live with her lover away from New York. M/F

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