Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Date names

There are quite a few names (usually female ones) that are related to a particular date. For example there are some names that are often given to babies born around Christmas. Christina is one, and there is also Noel or Noelle for girls, which is the French name for Christmas. Carol is sometimes given because of Christmas carols. Holly, a plant name is sometimes used for Christmas babies becuase of the association of holly iwth the feast. Christmas is sometimes used as a name, there was a famous barrister called Christmas Humphries in the 1950s who was born on Christmas day. Natalie or Natalia is sometimes given to girls, after a saint Natalia, and becuase it refers to a birthday. Other date names refer to the month of birth. April is quite popular, and so is May. May used to be an abbreviation of Mary, (It was the usual name used by Queen Mary) but now its become a name that is used in its own right. The Month of May was named after a roman goddess called Maia. June is a popular name for girls born in June.. one famous one was June Carter Cash wife of the country singer Johnny Cash who was born in June. June was named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter. Other names are those related to Seasons. Spring and Summer are used at times, and Autumn is quite popular in the USA. I've never heard of a Winter. With regard to the Easter season Pascal is sometimes used for boys born around Easter. There is also the name Tiffany which was given to girls born around the feast of the Ephiphany, 6th January. It was originally Theophania but the modern version is Tiffany. Hope to write another name blog soon

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