Friday 5 April 2024

Sylvia's Lovers Part II

Bell Robson, who is a sensible quiet woman, very unlike her violently emotional husband, leans on Sylvia. Daniel is hanged for his part in the riot and Bell is changed by the experience and becomes ill and mentally damaged. Philip wants to marry Sylvia, but she knows she does not love him. However, Charlie Kincaid has disappeared. Philip knows that he's been taken by the Press gang, but he does not tell Sylvia. She decides to marry her cousin to have some security and help looking after her mother. Sylvia's marriage does not go well from the start. He finds her very emotional; she is angry with the people who betrayed her father, and cannot find it in her heart to forgive them whereas Philip is shocked at this unchristian attitude. She also finds living in a town frustrating. She is used to a more outdoors life, where she was kept busy with dairy work, spinning, and housework and now she has little to do and has to dress up formally to go outside. Hester, a relative of Philip's is in love with him but she is kind to Sylvia and Bell... she works in the shop as well. Sylvia tries to adjust to married life but she and Philip find it hard to have any common ground.

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