Sunday, 15 December 2019

More Irish names.. a short snippet

The name “Niamh” (Sometimes spelled Niav) means brightness or beauty.    In Irish legend, there is the story of Ossian and Niamh. She comes from the land of the Ever Young... where there is no pain or aging. Ossian, Fiona’s son, falls in love with her and they go away together.  When they come back.. It seems as if no time has passed – but when Ossian gets off his horse...and touches the soil… he becomes an old old man and dies.   The name Niamh because quite popular in Ireland in the 20th century but Ossian or Oisin was less so.  (Oscar is the name of Ossian's son.. which was used by the Swedish Royal family.. and Oscar Wilde)....
Emer has also been a popular name in modern Ireland.  It is the name of the beloved of the legendary hero Cuchullian.. But his name has not been used!
Aine (pronounced AWNYA) is a name which is a traditional one... the name of the queen of the fairies in mythology -. But in the 20th century it came to be used as an Irish version of Anne or Anna, though it’s not at all related to those names.
Eithne is a saint’s name, the name of one of St Patrick’s first converts and has been very popular.  It means “kernel”, and has been spelled as Ethna…
Another male saint’s name is Fiachra…- St Fiachra was the patron saint of cab drivers in France and his name was given to the cabs which were known as fiacres…However this name has never been much used. 
 More names will follow!

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