Saturday, 14 December 2019

Names that mean the same

Just a short snippet on names that mean the same… which interests me.  Sometimes parents wish to give their children some kind of a theme in naming… some parents have given all their daughters flower names for example…
In Hebrew, the name Deborah means “bee”… and in Greek Melissa means “honey bee”.
Another example is Susan or Susannah which means lily..(A Hebrew name).   It could be paired with Lily or Lilian…
There is the Irish name Ciara, which means black or dark… and the Greek name Melania which means black. This name is now usually seen as Melanie…
Margaret is a Greek derived name form the word meaning pearl.. So it could be paired with Pearl…
Celyn is  a Welsh name, coined in the 20th century, meaning “Holly”.. So it could be paired with Holly….
Another pairing – Freda, from a German word meaning Peace and Irene.. from the Greek Eirene.. which also means peace…

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