Friday 20 January 2023

Because of the Lockwoods FInal Part

The Lockwoods have been away in Switzerland for over a month and enjoyed it, but he knows that they must go home. He thinks that he can sort out his various machinations, bit by bit so that he's no longer in danger of being caught out, and getting into trouble with the law or being forced to find large sums of money to repay people. However, Oliver's few words start off gossip in the town, and many of the solicitor's clients have been uneasy already. The fact that the family have been away for several weeks starts off rumours that he has run out of town and disappeared with his ill gotten gains. Many clients start to visit the office and tell his chief clerk that they want to see him. His clerk is feeling uneasy himself, but has been told by Mr Lockwood that he will be home in a day or so.. However, so many people are suspicious and want to see him, that the clerk has to make appointments for them all the day he returns from his holiday. When Mr Lockwood returns home, he finds that the clients are queueing up to see him, and there is gossip going around the town. He goes to his office and realises that his frauds are about to be found out and he is ruined. Thea goes to his house and meets Claire who is not aware that her father is in trouble nor that Martin has gone to London to work. She feels sorry for the girl and tells her to phone up Martin and talk to him. She is unsure now how she feels. She wanted to see Lockwood ruined, since now it has emerged that its not just one relatively small fraud that he's committed.. but she still feels a little sorry for him and his family. She goes to his office, and manages to get in. He is there alone and she realises that he has a gun and is trying to get up the nerve to kill himself. He is angry with her, since he says he is finding it hard to die, but its the only way out. She says that she didnt mean things to get this far. He says that it is the only way out. If he goes on, he will be imprisoned for embezzlement, struck off the Rolls and no longer able to work as a lawyer, and he will find it hard to get a job when he comes out. He will have to sell everything to try to pay up what he has stolen. Thea says that if he dies, he will leave his wife and children broke and facing the scandal alone, and that he is a clever man who will find some way of making a living when he gets out of jail.. and that the girls and Mrs Lockwood are good managers and will be able to help themselves. She says that people will say he's a coward who got out and left his family to face everything alone. After a time, he gives in and says that he will go home to his wife and face things out. Thea is releived, and happy that she and Oliver have each other. Mrs Lockwood calls him, and he tells her he will be home soon......

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