Monday, 9 January 2023

Nonesuch, Part IV

Sir Waldo does not tell Ancilla what he wants the house for, but continues with his plans to re organise the estate and to repair the house so that it can be used. He does try to get to know Ancilla better, though and tells her that his kind of sportsman is not like her cousin. His kind enjoy the driving, riding etc for their own sake and keep fit, because they need to be fit to engage in their sports. She has softened towards him, and is relieved that Julian seems to have gotten over the worst of his infatuation for TIffany, but she worries what will happen to Tiffany if she loses a suitor to a girl like Patience whom she sees as too ordinary to be a rival. Laurie can see that Waldo is interested in Ancilla, and he is not sure if he should try and stymie a possible marriage or encourage it. He is trying to win his cousin's favour, because he is left so badly off. He has suggested to Waldo that he could lend him money to set up a horse dealing business but Waldo says no, Laurie knows nothing about horses and its not exactly genteel. He has suggested varous gentlemanly professions to his cousin in the past but Laurie has rejected them all. Laurie tries to befriend Ancilla and continues to flirt a little with Tiffany and take her driving. Then Charlotte, Mrs Underhills young daughter, is taken ill. She has to have a tooth drawn and gets an infection which leaves her very poorly. Sir Waldo visits the house frequently, and tries to cheer her up, and he gets to like Mrs Underhill more and more. He had told Ancilla that she was a nice woman but not at all genteel- however he can see that she is a good mother and a kindly woman and has been a good friend to Ancilla. When Charlotte recovers a bit, her mother decides to take her on a visit to the seaside, to get her health back, and this means cancelling a party that Tiffany wanted to hold in the gardens, a moonlit picnic. Tiffany flies into a tantrum since she knows that the local gentry rather disappove of the picnic and now it looks like it will not take place. She is furious when Ancilla and Mrs Underhill both tell her that there is no way Ancilla could host the party,and that it has to be cancelled while Charlotte and her mother go away.

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