Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Sylvester IV

Lady Ingham still has hopes of making a match with Sylvester as he seems to get on well with her and she looks prettier and is livelier on this visit to London. However, she becomes freindly with Ianthe Rayne and realises that she has accidentally written in her novel a scenario that is rather close to the real life of Sylvester and his little nephew. She is wary of Ianthe whom she can see is selfish and silly, but she finds that Sylvester is Edmund's guardian and that according to Ianthe he has not much cared for the child. Phoebe finds that Ianthe has talked a lot about her grievances with Sylvester, and how he wont let her take her son away when she marries Fotherby. her own novel has a plot where Ugolino keeps control of his nephew, and her hero and heroine rescue the child and take him abroad. She then finds to her amazement that the book when it comes out, sells very well and everyone is sure that some socialite wrote it. Ianthe guesses that it is her, and of course talks about it to many people. Phoebe finds that people snub her as she has written about people in society and they feel she's made them a laughing stock. Sylvester is furious with her when he finds out, because he is a proud man and cannot bear to be talked about. Then, they have an argument on the dance floor. He walks off in a temper and Phoebe is left standing, and she is even more shunned by many society people. Lady Ingham decides that the only thing to do is to go away for a bit, for the talk to die down. She suggests going to Paris, and offers to take Phoebe and Tom, who is now mobile again. Tom finds himself being used as general factotum as the old lady is something of a hypochondriac, and he has difficulty getting her organised. Phoebe is very depressed, as she had been growing fond of Sylvester, but she agrees to go.

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