Tuesday 3 January 2023

Frederica Part IV

Lady Elizabeth Kentmere, Vernon's youngest sister, comes to London. She is married to a country gentleman and has been busy for years rearing her family and rarely coming to the city. She wants to find a house for when her eldest daughter comes out, and she is keen to meet the Merriville family who seem to be taking up Vernons time. She and her sister Augusta chat about Frederica and Charis and Augusta tells her that she believes that Vernon has always been bored and spoiled and now he has met a young woman who is intelligent and attractive and who can offer him a family that he likes and finds interesting. Harry, the eldest Merriville brother has been sent down from Oxford, because of a prank and decides to spend a few weeks in London. He is a good natured sporty young man but not very responsible. He becomes friendly with Endymion Dauntry and encourages the romance between Charis and her suitor, which annoys Frederica. She wants her sister to marry a richer man who can take care of her. Endymion wants to marry Charis, honourably, but he is worried that his cousin will intervene and cause problems. Harry tells the couple that they should make their minds up. Charis who is very sweet natured, feels that she does not want to cause Endymion to lose the comforts and allowance that he has as Alverstokes' heir. Then the family go to Hyde Park to see a balloon ascent, as Felix is very interested in the possiblities of balloon travel. While they are watching the preparations, Felix manages to get into the balloon as it takes off and Alverstoke and Jessamy drive after it. It comes down in the country and Felix is injured during the descent. He also is very cold and catches bronchitis, and has to be nursed at a local farm. Alverstoke and Frederica look after him as he is very ill, but back in London, Harry continues to encourage Charis in her romance with Endymion.

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