Wednesday 13 September 2023

Middlemarch part II

Dorothea's marriage soon begins to develop problems, while she is on honeymoon, she meets her husband's poor relation cousin, Will Ladislaw, whose grandmother was cast off from the family when she married a poor man, with a foreign name. Mr Causubon tries to help his cousin as he is a decent man, though stiff and prudish and not affectionate. But he and Will dont agree about many things. Will thinks that he should learn German, to keep up with the new theories about the bible and mythology, but Causubon does not agree. When they are in Rome, on honeymoon, Dorothea gets talking to Will and is a bit worried by what he says about learning German. She is disappointed by her marraige, already, beginning to realise that Causubon is not capable of being affectionate, that he is not as clever as she thought him to be. When they are back in Middlemarch, Will arrives there as well and becomes friendly with Mr Brooke. Dorothea worries about her new husband's health and calls in Dr Lydgate, the new doctor to attend him. Lydgate is forward thinking and often disagrees with older doctors, he advises Causubon to take things easier, and not to concentrate so much on his work. Lydgate is also asked to look after Mr Featherstone and gets to know the Vincy family through this. He is attracted by Rosamund's beauty, and she is also drawn to him, as he is handsome and charming. Lydgate is a poor member of an upper class family and the fact that he has aristocrative relatives makes him even more attractive to Rosy.

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