Wednesday 6 September 2023

Wuthering Heights Part IV

YOung Catherine is content with a reclusive life, but when she is 16 she meets Linton again. Edgar is ill, and so is Nelly so she begins to sneak out and go to Wuthering Heights to see him. Heathcliff stays away, because he wants the 2 cousins to marry. As Edgar is getting sicker, Heathcliff kidnaps Cathy and pressures her to marry Linton. She is less in love with Linton now as she can see that he is a peevish unpleasant boy, but she is fond of him and finally agrees to the marriage. She manages to get away form the house to go and see Edgar on his deathbed. Nelly tells Lockwood that after Edgar had died, Heathcliff took Cathy back to the farm and planned to rent out the bigger house, and a few months later, Linton also died of TB. He was little more than a child. Cathy is trapped now at the farm, keeping house for her father in law - who has inherited the Grange when it passed to his son. Nelly tells Lockwood that she wishes she could be with Cathy, but she has no choice. Soon afterwards, Lockwood decides to go back to the south, finding the cold of Yorkshire intolerable. He leaves and does not return to the area for a year. Finding himself near Gimmerton he decides to go and visit Heathcliff and discuss the hiring of the Grange, but when he gets to Wuthering Heights, he finds that Nelly is living there. She tells him that Heathcliff has died recently and the Grange has reverted to Catherine who is going back to live there soon. She tells Lockwood what has happened while he was away. Linton dies of consumption, leaving Catherine a young widow of 17. Heathcliff asked Nelly to come back to the farm to keep house and to keep Catherine, whom he dislikes, out of his sight. Nelly finds Heathcliff even more reclusive than before, and gloomy, but she is pleased to be back with Catherine and is busy with the housekeeping. Hareton Earnshaw lives in the house and is attached to Heathcliff, even though the man has all but stolen his land.

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