Sunday 10 September 2023

Wuthering Heights Part V

Hareton has been brought up roughly by Heathcliff, because of his anger agains the boy's father, but he is not embarrassed at first by his lack of education or good manners. However as he gets to know Catherine, he begins to realise that he has missed out on a lot. He tries to educate himself, but Catherine scorns him. Hareton has an injury out shooting and is confined to the house for a few weeks, and during that time, he and Catherine form a friendship. She starts to help him to learn, and realises that he has always admired her and tried to help her, in spite of his loyalty to Heathcliff. The young couple dig up some of Joseph's garden to make a little garden for Cathy, and he is furious, as he dislikes Catherine as much as Heathcliff does. However Heathcliff tells Nelly tat he can't get up the interest to separate the 2 cousins. a few months pass and Heathcliff remains gloomy and silent, and one morning Nelly goes into his room to find him, dead with the window open.. as if Cathy had come for him. According to his wishes he is buried beside Cathy, with the side of his coffin loosened so that their bodies can join. Hareton and Cathy are engaged and plan to marry soon, and move to the Grange. Nelly tells Lockwood that the farm will be shut up with Joseph living there with perhaps a farm lad to keep him company. Wuthering Heights has been popular ever since it was written though it has attracted criticism for its violence of emotion and action.

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