Tuesday 26 September 2023

Valley saga Part II

Paul learns that the heir to the estate was a soldier who died, and now the family want to get rid of it. He meets one of the family, Grace, a beautiful young woman who was engaged to Ralph, who has died. He is taken with her beauty but is shy with girls. He decides to buy the estate and improve it, and he meets all the tenants, and takes a liking to most of them. The Potter family are former gypsies who have a farm which htey neglect, the girls are promiscuous and the sons are poachers. Paul feels a bit sorry for them and does not want to evict them. One of the richer tenants is Edward Derwent who has 2 daughters, one is horsey, the other Claire is very beautiful and he takes a liking to her, but he is unable to forget Grace Lovell. Paul settles into country life although he is never all that keen on the country sports like shooting or even hunting. He continues to have feelings for Grace Lovell though she seems indifferent to him. She is interested in reform issues and women's issues, and cannot quite make her mind up to become a bucolic squire's wife. She likes London and cultural pursuits, but her branch of the family is not that well off and she is a litlte tempted to marry someone rich. Rudd is not a fan of Grace, thinking her neurotic and not suitable to be a country squire's wife. Grace's father and stepmother both want her to settle down and marry.

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